Promotional Boothadmin2023-06-12T12:27:27+00:00 Promotional Booth Application Form Company Name :* Owner's Name:* Trade Marks:* Contact Name:* Address: Phone Number:* Fax:* Mobile Number:* E-mail:* Years in Business:* Number of Stores:* Number of Employees: Operational in Other Malls:* Business Type:Promotional BoothEventsOther Area Required:*SQM Width:* Length:* Height:* Description of Business Activity:* Description of Business Activity:* Duration:* Start Date:* End Date:* Location Preference: Ground FloorFood CourtBanks & Services AreaValet AreaParkingOther Special Requirements: Water SupplyElectronicsTelephoneSatellite CableWater DrainageInternetLive Radio ShowBarriersOther Business Reference Contact Name:* Address: Phone Number:* Fax Number: Mobile Number: Bank Reference Bank Name: Address: Phone Number: Fax Number: I/We confirm that all the information I/we have supplied is true and correct. I/we understand that I/we can be turned down for the property if I/we have falsified any information on this application. I/we hereby authorize the verification of all the above information by "Al Khayr Real-Estate Company". This application does not constitute a contract, lease or agreement for space. Incomplete applications are liable to being rejected & will not be processed. Applicant's Name:* Signature:* Date:02/14/2025 Tel +962 6 5868500, Fax +962 6 5868501, P.O.Box 2907 Amman 11821, Jordan